Postponed Concert and Demonstration Weekend, due to take place on 28th & 29th March is now provisionally booked for 11th & 12 July
The venue for the weekend is The Connolly Hall, Redborne School, Ampthill.
The event consists of two days of Dance demonstrations at various levels and a staged Modern and Tap concert entitled ‘ The Movies ‘.
All Ballet classes will take part in the demonstrations and all Modern and Tap classes will be performing in the Movies Show.
There will be performances of the show on both the Saturday and the Sunday and a full timetable of events is on the notice board in the studio and will be on Facebook.
There will be an opportunity for anyone to try a Modern class with Sarah on the Sunday and Caitlin will also be giving a taster session in Musical Theatre on the Sunday prior to the launch of our new Drama and Musical theatre classes after Easter.
Anyone can try the above taster classes. You do not have to be a current member of the school.
Tickets cost £10 and cover admission for both days. You can watch as many demonstrations and shows as you like.
If you wish to purchase tickets please download the booking slip, fill in your details and return to the studio.
Please note : Children taking part do not need a ticket.